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Special Blend : Ghanesta's Gradeur

Special Blend : Ghanesta's Gradeur

  • The Ghanesta Signature is crafted for those who love a robust, chocolatey coffee with balanced sweetness and body. It's an excellent choice for everyday enjoyment, especially for those who prefer a strong, flavorful cup.

  • Aroma:

    Aroma: Dominantly chocolate and caramel, with a rich and inviting depth.

  • Flavor Profile:

    • Top Notes: The cup begins with a very sweet chocolate note, creating an immediate sensation of indulgence.

    • Mid Notes: Nutty flavors develop, blending seamlessly with the rich caramel, adding complexity.

    • Base Notes: Finishes with a medium-low acidity that ensures the sweetness is pronounced but not overpowering.

  • Texture:

    Texture: Medium-high body with a full mouthfeel, providing a substantial yet smooth drinking experience.

  • Finish:

    Finish: Balanced and long-lasting, with a richness that satisfies the palate.

  • Bean Blend and Process:

    • Blend Composition: Single origin from Ghanesta, naturally processed to enhance its signature flavors.

    • Roast Level: Available in both Medium and Medium-Dark roast options to cater to different brewing and taste preferences.

  • Suitable Brewing Methods:

    • Suitable Brewing Methods: Espresso and Moka pot are recommended to fully appreciate the deep, rich flavors, though versatile enough for other methods.

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